Lowering Temperature


Active Member
Hey everyone. I think i am having an issue with temperature on my Aquapod 24. I have just bought a digi temp yesterday and ever since i have had it inside my tank, the temp hasnt been below 80F. Can anyone tell me how to get my temperature to go down. Yesterday it was as high as 84F. Is this a problem do you think ? I was thinking my temp needs to be around 76-79 or something. aNy help would be nice. All of my livestock is still alive and doing everyth8ing normally. Just wondering if that is high temperature.


Active Member
IMO its okay.. 84 isnt alarming high and in alot of cases could be considered normal. Whats more important IMO is the fluctuation from high to low. A swing from morning to night from 76 to 84 could create issues. Typically my tank doesnt move more than 2 to 3* from morning to night. Although I did have an issue this past summer with a bit of an abnormal spike due to a warm basment. A $10 hang on fan with the rear compartment open and the fan blowing inside the tank made it all better.


Active Member
Yeah like i said it is mainly staying at 80-84 mostly 81-83. sEEms that it says on all the fish best temps are 75-79 so i was only wondering if my temps are too high or will it kill the fish. I was only making sure. Thanks for the quick response perfect dark. My tank is also coming along quiet well. Thankfully i havent had anything dying. I still only have the yellowtail damsel and a cleaning crew. 3 Nass snails,8 Nerite snails,2 red leg hermits and 2 blue leg hermits. going into my 3rd week now :) Everything has been seeming perfect. So hopefully everything will be great with It. i still need to purchase more LR but there is no one around here who has nice looking rock, i drove an hour away the other day trying to find another lfs who has different things to no avail. But anyways i am trying to be patient and let everything come along slowly now.


Active Member
Hey. I had 1 snail die the other day. A red footed snail or soemthing. I am thinking because my tank didnt have enough algae for him to eat. Well anyways i pull the dead snail out of the shell and washed it out with freshwater and it has been sitting out for about 3 or 4 days now. Would it be fine for me to rinse it off and throw it into bottom of my tank now?


Active Member
Do you test for anything? Amonia, Nitrates? has your cycle completed? any live organisms or animals in a new cycling tank stand the chance of dieing due to your amonia spikes. Its a dangerous gamble to add any life until your cycle is complete.