lr and ls for sale: Seattle WA


I have about 40lbs of LR and about 300lbs of LS that I have sitting in my garage. The rocks are in a tub with heater and powerhead. The sand is just sitting in a 32g garbage can. I live in Kent. I'll sell the rocks for $2/lb and the sand for $40 for a 5g bucket. Supply your own bucket.


would you be willing to ship that interested in getting about 20 pounds. if so about what would you want for shipping zip code is 58554


I don't want to ship anything (kinda lazy). It's actually $40/5gallon bucket which is like 60-70lbs. I still have the rocks and sand.
do you still have LR fro sale. im coming to wa. in about 3 weeks and interesting in picking it up on the way back. how much rock total you have.


So far it's still here. The sand is more dead sand now since it's just been sitting there. The rocks were full of coraline algae, but I don't any lights over it so it looks kinda white. I think I have about 50lbs of rocks.


I just emailed perchpsk about it. If he/she doesn't pick it up then I'll hold them. The rocks were from my 180g tank for about a year and I don't have enough room in my 54g corner. I sold some to my friend and he put them in his established tank and it didn't do anything to the quality.
if he doesnt want it i want it for sure, just let me know.
i lived in kirkland before moving back to cali but afetr my mom passed away a few months ago, my sis moved to bonnylake so i go through wa. to see her then take 90 over to idaho and my father lives about45 min from spokane, so its a nice drive.
let me know after he is doen buying the LR how much will be left and i will take it all. i could make arrangemnts to come there and pick it up wheni come back through seattle.
ZACK: what is gulf rock and whats alive in it? how much do u want for it.

zack schwartz

Active Member
gulf rock is aquaclutred live rock to save our reefs, come from around FL. a little more info I wrote.
Been studying liverock for some time and wanted to share about FL LR. Most places that sell the rock take great care of the reefs and have to or their permits would go away. Aquaculture does save our reefs, so please do buy aquaculture. Fiji rock, only a small portion is aqauclurtered, what some of companies do is get the town boys and give them masks and chizzes(SP?) and they get rock and throw it on the beach.
the rock is denser but the life on it makes up for it. I have servel pounds of it and all pieces are just filled with stuff, like corals and sponges and what not.
Mantis shrimp: I got one and it is very cool. The gulf and FL ones are suppose to be a lot peaceful then Fijis and Indonesians. My friend picks them up and sometimes the mantis hits him. Not hurt that much.
Anyway please buy aquaculture, ask before you buy and save our reefs.
what do u mean aquacultered. is it LR but just a differnet type. ?how much u want for it and could it be mixed with cureed lr?

zack schwartz

Active Member
IT IS CURED LIVE ROCK. what aquaclutred is means that it does not destroy our reefs. It is grown in the ocean but in spiceal parts where it is allowed to regrow back.
how much do you want for your rock then zack?
Y: have you heard form the other person about the other Lr yet, im still interested also inyoiurs.