LR and LS in N.H. Must Sell Fast!

If anyone is interested I've taken down a tank today for a customer who wanted to convert their tank. They've got about 50+ Lbs of Fiji Rock and 40-50 Lbs of LS. Basically the sand put about a 3.5 to 4" depth in a standard 36X12" 30 gallon.
The rock is in good shape and the sand is full of critters especially tons of mini brittle stars. Just took the tank down at 11:00 this morning and the stuff is sitting in buckets right now so if anyone is interested in picking it up, or I'll take it to you if your close enough. Make me a reasonable offer on this stuff and it's yours! Again not sure of the exact weight of the rock, but it's filling 2 instant ocean 200 gal mix size buckets. Also, had a few Red Legs and Astrea snails thrown in with the rock.
Contact me at (603) 673-0517 or at if you're interested. I must sell it fast so that my wife doesn't kill me for setting up another tank. But if I still have it in 2 or 3 days, I'll have to and I might have to keep it! Any reasonable offer over the next couple of days.


New Member
How far from Boston to your place?
Please give me a call at 617-856-1256. I might have time this afternoon to take a look.


Just left you a message on your phone! Let me know.
Hi Everyone,
I was unable to sell the stuff as quickly as I had hoped to so I ended up just setting a temporary hold for it. I did get a lot of interest in the rock though and decided to sell individually to those interested. The sand is already taken so I'll be holding the rock at least until next week to make sure there is no die off and just let it run with the protein skimmer for awhile. I will be sure to contact all those who got in touch with me on the rock and make arrangements so that you can come and check it out and pick out what you like. I'll be asking $3.00/Lb for the Fiji rock and $2.00/Lb for the less colourful Caribbean rock. I don't have a professional scale or anything so we'll just round down in your favor to be fair. So again, the sand is spoken for, but I've still got plenty of rock.