lr and ls


I am getting my 125gal tank next week. I am wanting to put ls / lr in and cycle fish free. I also do not want to pay the high price of ls for all the sand. I live in a small town in AZ and do not have much selection of places to buy from. I saw the SKU for the HD for the southdown sand. They dont have that kind. They said that they have "sterilized sand" as playsand. I am woundering if this would be ok to use? also what kind of lr should I get and is there a good online place to order? Do I need to do anything else to cycle the tank? Should I have my sump/refugium running during this phase? How big of sump/refugium should I use for the 125 gal tank?
I have been learning a lot from all the knowledge on this BB. Thanks for all the help and suggestions.
Kirk <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


I personally ahve tried the sand sand mixture, but have read several posts here from people who have. Try a search using "quickcrete" as the word. As far as live rock I had my order come in today from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and it was awsome. I spent a couple hours looking over all the growth. I even have a few huge clams that are alive, as well as several small ones. I ordered the deco and coraline rock about 30lbs of each.
Go to Southdowns site... U can order there...
just search for SouthDown Sand and u will find it....
---Enquiring Minds Want to Know?!?!


Just searched for southdown and found that the websight is not active anymore because they were bought by cemex. Tried their sight and could not find a way to order. Sent email and will see what happens.
thanks for the replies.
Kirk <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


you can also by LS and LR online from many places. I have no done it, but i am sure that there are many people on here that are happy with their orders.
I ordered 50 lbs from and 80 lbs from Premium Aquatics .com. Was happy with both, most happy that I have not gotten a mantis shrimp.
Try these sites:
<a href="http://www.***************.com" target="_blank">www.***************.com</a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="http://www.***********.com" target="_blank">www.***********.com</a>
The best part of ordering from is the e-mail you get with the tracking number for FedEx. You can track where your order is and know exactly when it is coming. The worst part is waiting about a week for that e-mail saying it has been shipped. Premium aquatics shipped the day I ordered and I had it 2 days later. Do your research, pick the kind of rock you want and figure the price with shipping from other companies. ships free. Good luck with your tank. Hope this was helpful.


the thing w/ quickquete is that they have several processing/packaging areas around the country & content/color can very geographically...southdown was bought out; was based here in houston;they said they will no longer package the sand w/ the same contents as before in lieu of cheaper thing though, is you do not have to use just LS; you can get just 1 bacg or 2 depending on budget & use it to seed the rest of your substrate

david s

as far as ur tank cycle question there are a few options to consider if ur rock isnt cured u could do it with just rock and ls but if not i read alot of post that say shrimp from grocery store just do a search for tank cycle there are a few ways some good some not so hehe mine is done with cycle now addin criters to get rid of my algie now i had a few but need more


so I can do it if my rock wasn't cured? that is perfict, how? I can get fiji rock 30#box for $6.00/#, is that a good price? Thanks
thanks I will try that BB.
Kirk <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />