lr and ls

I would like to have lr and ls for my tank, but it costs a pretty penny to get the 80 or so lbs of rock and even more of sand required for a 75 gallon... But what if I put in some lr and ls and lots of dead rock and sand and let the live ones make the dead ones live? Will that work? How long will it take? Does it affect the cycling process? And what are the best kinds to use? Sorry for all the questions! :p


Active Member
Sure it will work. It will take a while but will get there... It will not affect the cycle if it is cured rock that you add to start with. The dead rock will become live over time and only add to the filtration.


you dont have to use all live sand. use 90% regular(dead) sand and seed it with 10% live sand. the live rock will also help to seed the sand.


I have a 30gal and I used about 30#dead rock and seeded it with about 15# live rock. It took a while, but now (2 1/2 mos. later) I have the previously dead rock beginning to grow coralline algae. If you don't have the money, this is a great way to go, it just takes patience.