LR Complaint


I ordered 45 lbs of FIJI LR and after 3 days I still have not seen a single hitchiker... I don't understand. I bought 15 lbs of Marshall Island LR from my lfs and I have already seen 4 snails, a shrimp, and all kinds of coral growth. I don't understand it. Is it possible that everything died while being shipped?


Active Member
I think there is a misconception when people buy LR, When they call it "live" they are not saying it is going to be covered in corals and snails and crabs, what you are paying the money for is mainly bacteria and worms and pods (that you won't see). THe most important feature of LR is inside, deep inside, there is an anearobic zone where nitrates are broken down and processed, this is the single most imortant feature of LR IMO, if that wasn't there then you might as well just buy mainly baserock. Over time you should see lots of pods and worms on your rock, but in general you will not see a lot corals and snails and crabs, most die in transport. There are exceptions, FL aquacultured has a ton of living stuff on it, but it is so dense I wonder about its ability to convert nitrates.


Active Member
Was the rock 'precured' ? If so then most likely it wont have any life on it.. and usually it seems fiji rock is precured. If you want crabs etc to hitchhike on the rocks you should try to get completely uncured rock when ordering.
While I agree the purpose of live rock is not to get the extra little animals and stuff... its for the bacteria - although it sure is fun to get worms and crabs and snails with the rocks =c)
The FL liverock I got here at the LFS had like a billion red/yellow brittle stars and snails and crabs and worms and feather dusters and E T C :)