LR Growth


Just started a new tank about two weeks ago and I started noticing growth on my live rock today. It looks like orange hair. It's growing on parts of the glass, too, and a little in the sand.
Any advice or conclusions would be helpful.


Active Member
Probably Diatom algea... Can look a little like hair algea but a diffrent color.
If this is what it is, it will go away with time providing your not suppling it with it's food source. This algea uses silicates from your water to grow. Once they are used up and you are not adding them, it will go away..
Use RO water or DIstilled water to avoid adding them.
Also, over time it will also be competing for food with other more dominate algea.. Eithier way, it should go away after a while...


I just finished my cycle and had a ton of that algea. It has now turned to green algea. I just added two turbos, two astreas, and two scarlet hermits to start combating the algea. I will add more cleaners, but wanted to make sure my tank was fine before adding too much. Your algea is normal.


i called my lfs and they said that it is sometimes common to have a tpye of bacteria in the live rock? they recomended taking a toothbrush and scrubbing it off...
it has spread to a lot of the rock and even on the sand and in some cases a tiny bit on the glass. orange rus hair looking things. leave it be? or is it still normal.
NO2 = 0
NO3 = ~7
amonia = between .25 and .5:confused:
but if its all in its cycling process... i guess orange sand isnt ~that~ bad :p
what to do?