lr, i cant get it right


i am having troublegetting a suitable lr arrangement so i was wondering if anyone out there could post some pics or links with a good lr arrangement. Thanks.


This is how I set up my LR and it's worked great... <a href="" target="_blank">Live Rock</a>
Click on the Arranging Rock button.


You mean how to physically arrange them in your tank space, right?
Larger pieces should go on the bottom. Smaller pieces on top. (This is probably obvious)
You can either stack the rock up against the back glass, or make a stack in the middle of your tank. There are reasons why you might want to do either.
Stacking in the back is good because: added support (rocks less likely to topple), more room for the fish to swim towards the front of the tank.
Stacking in the middle is good because: it is less likely that a fish would get stuck in the rockwork with this setup, you will get the most light in the middle of the tank (good for corals and life on the rock), the water will circulate all around your rocks (good for both the rocks and the fish in the tank), and the fish will swim around the rocks in the middle (probably closer to a natural situation for the fish, as they swim around rocks in their natural habitat).


a tank is a very personal thing. it took me over a month to get my tank to where i am somewhat happy with it, and i am still not completely happy with my rock setup. The only thing that i would suggest well te only 2 things is that 1. make sure that some of your rock rests directly on the glass. you are going to have digging creatures and you do not want them to topple your tank. 2. take your time. there is no rush. I looked through hundreds of tank pics and took ideas and pieces from the ones that i liked. try <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
he is a shark on here and he has a great web page.


I'm so weird -but I hand picked each of my pieces so I could make a certain amount of "homes" as well as a little playground--all up against the back though as to leave the entire front half clear for ample swimming room.