Lr in Reef


Im trying to configure my rock in my tank for a reef.. its a little under 100lbs in a 90 gallon.. can someone plz post me some full tank shots of there tanks so i can get ideas?? heres mine


I reshaped mine in more of a dome fashion tonight.... i ll post some pics later tonight. to answer your question tho i just kinda do the whole more on the bottom then the top, and lean it against the glass...but it looks like he ^ did something diff. Reminds me of the roman aquaducts lol channels runing everywhere


Active Member
Originally Posted by just&ash
How do you guys get the live rock to stay like that? (In the dome formation)
i great way to get otherwise undoable formation is to simply peg them.
by that i mean you take two rocks and fit them together how you want. then make note of thse best contact points between the two rocks. remove the rocks and drill a shallow hole into both rocks at the noted contact points.
stick a small plexi-glass or comparable rod into one of the holes and then stick the other right on top of it. this keep the rockwork VERY sturdy and also allows for some really neat aquascaping. when done properly nothing will show but the rocks,
this is particularly helpful when your only want to stack in the middle of a tank not touching any walls.


re-did it.. makes a big diff especially with the lights lol. I think ill buy about four more pieces to finish the "arc".


The power heads are in their just to keep it flowing while it cycles i guess... As for the live rock 50 lbs of it is in their of figi plus two of those pieces are in a 10 gal QT. But there is also around 30-40 lbs in there. The bottom of that is (i dont remember what kind) extremly dense, something brazilian i think... I'm going to buy some more when i go to PA this weekend finish rounding off the arc.


Originally Posted by Dexter
Just added everything from my 30 gallon into my 100 gallon.
dexter, i HAVE to know what that anemone is