LR losing its color


Got around 30# of LR from LFS about a year ago and ist slowly losing its color. Started off bright pink and purple, now some parts are almost grey or a real ugly greenish color.
Had problems with with red slime and green hair that covered everything for a while but i fixed it with R/O water and lights on for only 8hrs a day. what else should i do or add.
PH 8.0
SPEC. GRAV. 1.022
ALK. 2.5 7 DKH (just added superbuffer DKH)
75 gal
40# LS 1.5 in
30# LR
gonna get more LR - LS this week


Active Member
What are your calcium and phosphate levels??
How long sense the cyno problem?? It could have caused some die off by covering the rock and not allowing the coraline to get light.


Know it is going to sound stupid but i've never checked for calcium.
Cyno about 7 moths ago....lasted about 2-3 months
would calcium help LR gain color?


i never had any caroline(sp) alge on my rock until i started adding calcium. now i have to clean my glass just to be able to see the tank:D . i would check your calcium levels. i'll bet thats your problem


Active Member
Sure it will... both alkalinity and calcium is used during calcification. A balance also needs to be maintained between alkalinity and calcium. Adding alkalinity will drive down the calcium... adding calcium will drive down the alkalinity. The best thing to use is a balanced calcium/alk solution such as B-Ionic 2- part solution or kalk mix. This will keep the balance for you after you get it lined out.

nm reef

Active Member
I've also heard that a low magnesium level will prohibit coraline growth.....I believe its best to insure calcium/alkalinity/magnesium are at proper levels and stable. Plus you could add some coraline covered rubble in a direct flow area to help it spread.