LR Placement


I have had my 30 Gallon fish-only tank for lets see...4-5 months now and it's still got the red algae on the sand and the rocks. Anyway, I read that you should not place the LR on top of the LS, rather to the glass bottom of your tank.
I still have my LR ontop of the LS and have never had it on the glass bottom of my tank. Should I change this? I read you might kill your fish when you lift the rocks to move them because (dead?) bacteria might kill them, is this true?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!


If you uncover an anerobic area of a sandbed then yes you can cause a major problem. It is this anerobic bacteria that can cause the problem.
Personally when I setup my tank I only used about a 2 inch sandbed, but I also put eggcrate under the sand on the bottom of the tank so that the rocks would never touch the glass bottom. I cut the egg crate about 2 inches from the sides of the tank and just put in place and then covered with sand. I have less problem with a shallow sandbed in the main. I use a 4.5-5 DSB in the refugium.