LR Qstn/Help



I have a 55gl new marine tank setup which just began its first nitrite spike with a few 3 striped damsels. Many have mentioned adding LR, right now I have a few pieces of decorative coral (not live) with a very fine substrate.
I have hit information overload when looking for a place to buy LR from. Many places on the net making many claims about how the other guys don't have 'real' cured live rock, or that the other guys are curing in garbage cans and spraying with saltwater which isn't as good as their rock.
Can some PLEASE point me to a good place to buy LR from where they have had a good experience? Thanks.


Active Member
IMO Any MOed lr, still should be cured a bit, because you will have some die off, after 2 days out of water things will start to die anyhow, most of the MOs are the same rock, unless they actually cure it theirselves, it will come in a box, shipped from WALTSMITH, smae stuff and same origin
I agree about lfs, 2 advatages, It is probably better , interms of being cured, (and big one) You get to pick the size and Shape, most MO lr will come in smaller pieces, maybe the size of a fist, we got some of ours locally and found pieces almost 30 lbs(he had eve bigger pieces too)