LR Question, Please Help!

mike j

Well, Thursday came and went and now I am almost done setting up my tank. I bought the LR today because the guy at my LFS said it can stay in the bags for up to 48 hrs. I don't have the water in the tank yet (I'm doing it tomorrow, ASAP) so I can get the live rock in.
Now that its too late, was he giving adequite advice?


Staff member
Well....the best thing to have done, would nave been to have had your tank setup with the water and allow it to age for at least a week before putting in LR. Also, what are you doing for substrate?
The LFS obviously wanted to make sure that you were going to buy the LR, because, while it will be ok in [wet] bags for 48 hrs, it would have been much better to get it in the tank as soon as you could got home with it from the LFS. You will have more die-off with the wait, including any desirable hitchhikers that may have come in on the rock.

mike j

actually, there is no substrate in the tank yet, filters, skimmers, and powerheads are all up and running, but the guy at the store said to add the substrate later. I was skeptical, but went along with it.
I'm going to get the LR done as soon as possible though.

k salt

If your just setting up the tank and getting ready to cycle the water the lr in the bags of water will be alright smell the rock to see if it has a fowl odor if it does it wasnt cured lr to begin with. if you going to leave it much longer you need to put a power head in the water so the water dosent go stale.

mike j

thats the thing, the guy said they were fine in these bags that had very little water in them, I've been worried about the rock since I paid 10.00/pound for it (Canadian mind you). I just want to minimize die off.
Also, the rock is odourless so I have no worries regarding that it is cured.
Oh, and while I'm typing, the guy also said to put it in dry to try and arrange the rockwork before I added water. Also noteworthy, he said I was fine adding tap water to the tank and then mixing salt, Mg and Ca (I believe) after the rock was in place.
Is this okay?

k salt

no way mix your water first if you dont you will have a huge amount of die off put the rockin the tank after you have water in the tank remember dont fill the tank all the way with water the rock will cause it to over flow if you have too much water


Originally posted by Mike J:
<strong>add conditioner to that list of additives :) </strong><hr></blockquote>
ffs don't forget dechlorinator like ...*cough* me


I have hadlr in freshwater,anddrt bv4 and stil things grow like coralline algae. :D thank God. :cool:


Wow! LR in FW... Never heard of that one, I bet it was DR(dead rock) after the FW though... :D


Originally posted by IV:XX:
<strong>Wow! LR in FW... Never heard of that one, I bet it was DR(dead rock) after the FW though... :D </strong><hr></blockquote>
bet your wrong :D


Active Member
k. lee
what is ,anddrt bv4
and do you mean to tell me that the algaes and bacterias and inverts that need salt all did well in fw??
how can you keep the bacterias, sponges, coraline, inverts,and bacteria alive without it, when they will most likely die in a low salinity??, shrimp and other inverts, especially sponges can't even with stand a hypo treatment, i thought


Originally posted by fshhub:
<strong>k. lee
what is ,anddrt bv4
and do you mean to tell me that the algaes and bacterias and inverts that need salt all did well in fw??
how can you keep the bacterias, sponges, coraline, inverts,and bacteria alive without it, when they will most likely die in a low salinity??, shrimp and other inverts, especially sponges can't even with stand a hypo treatment, i thought</strong><hr></blockquote>
Not sure waht that statement I mistyped was anymore. But, if I recall correctly (IIRC) MY LIVE ROCK HAD SOME FRESHWATER PUT ON IT (NOTTHJE STUF io just put in my 45). I don't know how manageable some inverts like encrusting s[ponges are. Are they hardy? I dunno.
I hjave spongesand coralline still growing in the above treated tanl, and I don't know what bad treatment it had ezactly, sorry.


Subsequent organisms (ie. growth) could have been from retailer water I putin the tank (no, I don't put copper treated water in my tank, but put diast. wtwer in my tank).


Active Member
;) ok, thanks
man are you getting tired, or something else, your typing is getting worse than mine, lol, and i did not think that possible, but i think i made most of that out, enough to understand anyway


Originally posted by fshhub:
<strong> ;) ok, thanks
man are you getting tired, or something else, your typing is getting worse than mine, lol, and i did not think that possible, but i think i made most of that out, enough to understand anyway</strong><hr></blockquote>
Or something. I'm a bad typer, and I have a rash :p . Whenever I bgo to the fridge I get an itch for beer.
edit: tired too. It's 4:30 in the morning here.


Active Member
lol, i like that one, jsut becareful not to spill it in the computer, it is a hard to get out, and i hate wasting a drop, i mean with the prices of everything to day :D


Originally posted by fshhub:
<strong>lol, i like that one, jsut becareful not to spill it in the computer, it is a hard to get out, and i hate wasting a drop, i mean with the prices of everything to day :D </strong><hr></blockquote>
heh, edited my last post. It's 430 here IN THE MORNING :p


Originally posted by K.Lee:
Not sure waht that statement I mistyped was anymore. But, if I recall correctly (IIRC) MY LIVE ROCK HAD SOME FRESHWATER PUT ON IT (NOTTHJE STUF io just put in my 45). I don't know how manageable some inverts like encrusting s[ponges are. Are they hardy? I dunno.
I hjave spongesand coralline still growing in the above treated tanl, and I don't know what bad treatment it had ezactly, sorry.
pretty amazing, I think.