LR Question


What should I be looking for growing on my LR? Is it possible to have anenomes, coral, or plants? What else could possibly come in on my LR? I have looked at the Hitchiker Guide but I am sure other things are possible...


Active Member
yes to all of the above!
Have heard of many, many things coming as hitchikers on LR. the only real ones to be worried about are aptasias and mantis shrimp. Pretty much anything else is bonous. Yes, some of the algae can be a pain, but there is no getting around that.
As for what else can come with it, I have heard/seen of some pretty bizzare things making it. On three seperate occasions, eels have come along with LR!!!! Even one green moray eel!! These are by far the rare occasions. Look for small crabs, shrimp, feather dusters, worms and other little critters! Watching what comes out is really fun and neat IMO!
If you really want a show, get a flashlight with a red or blue filter and look at the rock after all the lights have gone out! You would be amazed at what is living on there!
Good luck!