lr question


New Member
I am getting my to-do list together for the nano I want to start. I have some rock available (was LR that husband took out of 30G and scrubbed during a hair algae outbreak). Could I buy one good piece of LR and use some of this dry rock as base with it or is it better for my tank (and cycling) if I just start out with all LR?
Thanks in advance for the advice!!


Originally Posted by mcsd22
Iwould do just what you said, buy a good piece and cure and cycle all at once.
I agree!


Active Member
Use the rock you already have and buy one piece of good LR to seed it with and you will be just fine......


New Member
How long would you expect the cure and cycle would take, then, since not everything will be LR to start with?


Active Member
Hard rto say.Odds are even the dry scrubbed rock is gong to have junk inside it that will have to cook out and cycle through. Even the sand is gonna have somewhat of a cycle......I would place the old dry ropck and sand in the tank to begin with and start the cycle and see where it goes from there.....No sense taking a chance on putting a good cured piece of LR in a tank thats just starting a cycle only to have it go really high and possible kill off some good stuff on the rock you once ammonia levels etc start to come down to lower levels then put the piece of LR in the tank...Depending on how large those pieces of dry rock are, I would probbaly start off with good live rock and sand, and add a piece of the dry rock a lkittle at a time, but it would really depend on how large those pieces were in relation to the piece of LR I started with initially.