Not if feather dusters, bristle worms, sponge, coraline, or any other valuable hitchhikers come with the rock. There are fish that will eat your live rock down to bare rock.
So if a fish says "reef safe" I'm okay with LR. I have a couple of feather dusters too. I'd still be okay if it said "monitor with corals and I have none?
Both are great fish and will work with coral setups but you must keep an eye on them. I like the look of the flame angel better but the coral beauty is considerd better for reef setups.
i had a flame angel and he loved eating feather dusters as well as some star polyps i had, beware of dwarf angels if you're planning on getting corals.
i just picked up a coral beauty myself.. and a rather large one at that.. probably to about his potental in growth.. hes a bit shy.. dont know how hes doing as of right now cause im stuck at work till monday morning.. i hopes he is doing good.. cant wait to see him on monday