
New Member
Ok -- My Tank is 3 weeks old. 75gal I have CC and will be changing it out today with sand. First question -- what will be the best way to wash the Sand? The next question I have, I have 60lb LR that has been in my tank about 1 week -- I noticed yesterday that
I have what looks like brown alge on the LR -- What is it? Do I have die off or somehting else going on. Oh and one more question -- I am having a problem keeping my salt level up.....WHY? :help:


Active Member
If you are replacing CC with LS don't wash it off.
Brown stuff on LR is probably just a diatom bloom. It will clear up in time.
Make sure you mix new batches os saltwater up in a tote and mix for 24 hours with a heater and a powerhead before adding to your tank. This way you can test and make sure it is the same temp, salinity as what is already in your tank plus it will be oxygenated by the powerhead. Your salt level shouldn't go down unless you are adding water during water changes at a lower salinity. Most people have a problem with their salt level going up from regular evaporation.


New Member
Thank you so much ---- I hate being a NEWB sometimes, but it is great to have this site and everyone is so willing to offer great advise.
Thank again


Active Member
We all are here to learn and to help others that are going through the same things that we have either experienced or have reads threads on. Keep checking your threads to make view the posts by other members. This is a great site and I never stop learning.


New Member
Just wanted to let ya know I have changed out the CC with LS, all seems well
a little cloudy but I'm sure that will clear up soon.
Thanks again.


New Member
I have a 55gal and had nothing but problems with sand so i switched to CC and have been fine eversince. does any one know why?


New Member
I wish I knew what to tell ya about the Sand -- I have been doing great with my new
tank, now 6 weeks old and getting ready to get my first FISH :cheer: . since I switched
from CC to the LS and LR. What problems were you having with the Sand?