lr stacking


This may sound like a stupid question but do some of you glue your lr together to make interesting reefs? Most of the lr I have is in big chunks and hard to stack to create caves and such. I am worried about it falling over and breaking glass if stacked loosely, but am also worried about creating dead spaces due to restricted water flow from tightly stacked lr. Any advice?


Active Member
Some fix the rocks together. I've heard of glueing them or you could try some of that epoxy putty. LFS just moved and the owner re-built his reef display partially using that putty. I'll bet it would work on the rocks, too.

Mine are just stacked. I "fitted" them together more than a few times before I was satisfied with their stability. So far just little pieces of rubble are the only mobile ones. (Crabs can't stand not getting underneath a rock)

Make sure you stack on the glass bottom or an eggcrate or something solid. If ya stack on the sand it will be vulnerable to burrowing critters and you may have a "reef-alanche".
Good luck and BY ALL MEANS-Post pics!


Also was wondering if you stack right up to the glass or leave room in between? I've seen a few pictures on here that seem to have the rock stacked right up against the side of the tank.


Active Member
It's not advised to stack rock against the glass ... but if done properly there's usually no problems. Keywords here ... properly and usually.


Active Member
Hey Arn,
I've wondered about that myself. My rocks are free standing in the tank. Nothing touches the tank walls.
Do you basically build the rockwork NEXT to the glass without using it for support? Touching but not really leaning?


Active Member
YOU DON'T WANT THE GLASS TO BEAR THE LOAD. There's nothing wrong with some rock leaning against or touching the glass if it's done in this manner. Again, this is just my opinion.