LR vs. grocery shrimp vs. damsels


Active Member
Live Rock!!!! Add about 1 lb per gallon and your in business. <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" />


Active Member
<a href="" target="_blank">this article may help</a>, read through that page, it answers alot of questions about cycling tanks, and starting them
edited: ilike the shrimp method, but i have used the lr method with great success, if you use partly cured or uncerd lr, the shrimp is not necessary, but the rest is still usable, i only HIGHLY RECCOMEND the use of shrimp, if you are using well cured lr(and cycle the tank before adding the rock) or are going fish only, the shrimp is more humane, but the shrimp and lr do also work well together, in any case, remember to go real slow, cycling can take up to a couple of months, butoften does not, and every tank is different, i cycled our new tank in about 1-2/3 weeks, but still waited another week or so to add any fish, and then i sotcked real slow(only 1 or 2 then wait a coupleweeks to a month before even checking to see if your tank is read y for more fish), there are no shortcuts here at all, and the only things that happen fast are bad!