

I dont have much LR. About 20 pounds. When I bought it I also bought some rock at the LFS. It was a bit porous and just plain white. I put it into my tank for just extra rock. It turned bronish from algea I guess but I noticed that it has little purple and green spots all over it now. What I was wondering is that mean its seeding fro LR? Will it basically turn in to LR? Will most rock seed? Please shed some light on this subject for me.


live rock isnt actually "alive" it just means that it has a bunch of live bacteria and critters being inhabited by it... so yes, your baserock an become liverock eventually


Active Member
how long has your tank been setup? the little spots may be coralline algae, which most consider to be a VERY good thing. if your on a tight budget, putting live rock on top of cheap base rock can save a lot of money.
I wish I had a digital camera. I set my tank up 8 months ago and used half live rock and half base rock. at this point, you wouldn't be able to tell a difference because the base rock is caked with coralline.


New Member
Yes on what they said. All rock eventually becomes the same. But please dont post the same thing 3 times :nope:


Active Member
Might've been an accident. Sometimes it'll happen if you accidentally click the button more than once. :)