ls from question


In my 80 gallon tank, I have a mixture of cc and sand. I put about 20 lbs of ls (can't remember the name brand, but it was bought at a local pet store). Everything appears to be fine in the tank, water parameters have been good (i.e. zero ammonia, zero nitrites, good ph and alk, low nitrates). Earlier in the week ammonia and nitrites were up a little due to (I believe) me adding a 10 lb peice of lr from a local lfs. With water changes, I am reducing that effect (haven't tested it since the last change - will this weekend). In my tank then is 20 lbs of ls, 10lbs of lr, bunch of dead base rock and dead corals/decorations/whatever you want to call them. I have a fluval 404, prizm skimmer, 1 ph (yes, I am looking into getting another ph). Ok - tank inhabitants: 1 yellow tang, 1 bi-color angel, 2 domino damsels, 1 sgt major damsels, 1 three striped damsel, 2 tomato clowns, 2 percula (I believe) clowns, 2 hermit crabs, 2 turbo snails.
My question in a moment. My thoughts are that my sand/cc is not very alive. The tank has been running for 5-6 months now. I have good algae growth on the walls, (snails love it) and decent algae growth on the decorations (which the crabs love). This is not to say it is overwhelming, although I probably should wipe the sides more often, but I am hoping for permission :) to buy more snails.
Ok, my question(s). Am I wrong to think my sand/cc base is not alive? What should I be looking for when I look at it? I have read wonderful posts about the ls from and was wondering if I bought a box of it, would I really see improvement in my ls? What things would I see? Give me some thoughts to share with my permission maker :) so that I can convince her that WE need to do this. My other thought is to get more lr slowly over the next several months, adding a couple pounds a month (i.e. 1 or 2 small peices at a time stacking them near the dead rock).
Sorry this is so long. Hoping for some good input so that I can help the fishes do well. Thanks!


Active Member
The sand you get from here (FLORIDA kEYS LIVE SAND) would have worms, micro stars, copepods, amphipods, and possibly a couple of other things. The cc you have know is probably not that alive with much more than bacteria as it is the wrong particle size for the little creatures to get around in.