LS - Iis this right?


hi everyone need some input to make sure i am doing this right:
switching over to 4" DSB
currently have 20lbs live rock with CC
2 perc clowns 1 alge blenny 1 mean yellow tail damsel that killed my flame angel <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> in a 72 gal bowfront tank
going to put the fish into the quaretine tank with the live rock take out the CC and vacum then going to buy 120lbs or so of Ls from the LFS ( eaiser i figured than cleaning sand from HD and dealing with that mess ) then wait a day for it to settle and add live rock plus another 50lbs of live rock wait a day and put fish back in tank. does this sound right ?
the one thing i was not sure about is if the live rock can go on top of the LS i thought i read in one of my marine books that the live rock should go right on the bottom of the tank and not on top of the LS <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />

mr . salty

Active Member
I would suggest getting as much water out of the tank before you touch the rock or CC.This will keep you from clouding it all up.Then once all the CC is out,just put the water back in,then the rock,(you could even shake the rock in a 5gallon bucket of saltwater to clean it)then dump in the sand.You should then be able to add the fish right away...This is how I did mine when I swapped tanks,and did not have any problems...


thanks Mr. Salty
So from what you are saying i should put the live rock in first and then the live sand in which case the bottom 4 inches of the live rock will be covered with sand


one more question i was going to order the LS from SWF since i just got off the phone with the LFS and they want 3.49 a pound for it what is the difference in SWF's sand they have florida sand which is a little bit more than the ocean sand i don't really care much about the money just want to get the best stuff for my fishy also anyone know where i can find the caculator for figuring out how much sand i would need in 75 gal tank that is approx 4 feet x 16 inches


use the search feature for 'live sand bed calculator'. I know I have seen it here a couple times.
Good Luck!


why not look for the 20 lb prepackaged stuff; that is what we used to seed rest of substrate;
locally found it 20 lbs for $30; had to shop around though; ***** usually carries it, but it's around $40 or more there


if you are going to put the lr in your qt make sure you have not medicated the tank esp. w/ copper or you will kill the lr