LS in a reverse flow tank


I am thinking about switching from a crushed coral bed, to a LS bed, but wanted someones advice, and/or knowledge.
I have a reverse flow in my tank (water goes to my sump from the top, then reenters the tank from the bottom, under the bed) with crushed coral for the bed right now.
After reading the advantages to having LS, does anyone with my setup have LS in their tank?
Let me explain my setup. I have a cube tank, and the floor of the tank has PVC pipes going out in even squares around the floor. I have small holes pointed up and down at regular intervals.

- ******* -
- * * * -
- * *** * - "-" = tank boundaries
- *** *** - "*" = PVC pipe
- * *** * -
- * * * -
- ******* -

(This as if you are looking down into the cube)
I am just afraid that the reverse flow will agitate the LS too much. ie, blowing it up, never settling.
Any ideas?

mr . salty

Active Member
I doubt if this setup would work with sand..The sand would have small volcanic holes in it where the water is flowing out of the pvc tubes...


Aye, that was what I was afraid of.
Ok, next question if you do not mind.
With that setup, should I keep my crushed coral bed as shallow as possible to limit dead areas (areas of no water flow)?
Also, I am going to add about 20lbs. of LR. The RF is not going to irritate the inhabitants of the LR is it?
Thanks! :)