LS Issue


Now that I have some critters digging in the sand and what not, The top layer seems to have the larger sand pieces while the fine stuff settled down. Should I sift the larger grains out? If yes, How?


Do you have a mix of live sand and aragonite? I would say leave it, because sifting it would cause more problems then benefits.


Active Member
i know what your talking about i used a fish net to take out the larger pieces in the sand out while the smaller grains just fell through also i had no problems to my water quality after doing this


During your future water changes, suck them out with the syphon. But make sure the hose has no kinks!! I put a fish net in my substrate and stuff went flying everywhere!! And it was only like 2 days after vacuuming.


HEY PELENA i see that you live by the baech. quit being a wussy boy, go ut get a new bucket of LS. scrape the top laywer that has turned into something closer to CC. then gently place the new LS over the old. and hope fully you can keep some of the beneficial bacteria living. may work may not but that is one answer. wait for more though and choose. but i highly suggest that if you go out to get new sand not to ask the same friend that helped you last time if you want to remain friends!


Active Member
I know what you mean. I have larger chunks on top and they seem to grow coralline algea really easily lol. I dont go to sifting the sand I just move the big peices around on top so they will be white instead of dark lol.


Thanks for the help. I'm glad (not really, sorry it happens to you too) others feel my pain. I think I am going to try to pick the big stuff out one of these days and get more sand. I wanted a deeper base anyways. Hope fully I don't nearly drowned again.:scared:
Also thanks for the tip on coraline. My rock did lose some color. I thought it was my lights, still could be.