LTA and BTA pics



Every now and then I post some updated pictures of my anemones - I am upto 3 BTAs in my tank now...all siblings. Should probably be 4 within a couple more months.



I can try....but everytime I take a picture of the whole tank with the camera on my video camera, I never get a clear usually very grainy.....:(...I will post one tomorrow


Heres a picture of a portion of my tank. If I include the whole tank then the camera attempts to adjust to the lighting and renders some of the areas too light and others too dark. So it had to be a compromise. A is the BTA that I expect to split in the next couple of months. B is the BTA that had split about 3 weeks ago. You can see B but C(its split) is behind all the rocks. D is my LTA and its so close to the tank wall that I cant clear the coralline algae on the glass. Will try and include another picture of the LTA also. There are times when I wonder if my bubble tips are actually hairy mushroom anemones - cant decide but with the branching tentacles and sometimes almost grotesque tentacle shapes I start to think.....


Heres a closeup of my LTA....base is dug into the substrate


Its stops by every few swims but during the night thats where he sleeps. He hops into the BTAs sometimes, but never treated it as a bed. My smaller clarkii though sleeps in the BTA. I think the clarkii would have preferred the LTA but the ocellaris doesn't let him come near.


how funny. I am hoping that my perc will warm up to the LTA that I just got!!! Did your LTA move around a lot before it found its spot? (or does it still move around)? I was thinking about getting a BTA after my LTA gets settled, do your anems ever bother eachother?


There were a couple of times that it did move...but that was right at the start.....well in the first couple of months or so. It would crawl on its side and move along till it got caught in a current and then do cartwheels in mid-water. So what I did was to put him in spot with a small rocky barricade around his base.....just 2-3 inches high. With the supporting wall it held itself upright and slowly worked its foot into the gravel....since then its not moved once and I have already moved the enclosing rocks. You could do a search with my name and there is an older LTA thread with some pictures that show the rocky barricade. Luckily for me when my LTA was caught in the current it could never get to an intake because the water current would just push him away. For a future setup I am going to perhaps modify so that I have only outlets in my tanks (no submerged powerhead). My pump will pump water right from the sump through a PVC pipe right into my tank. And so there will be no intakes that can be a danger. Just the overflow will be left, and I had never seen him float that high to be of any concern.
I dont think my anemones bother each other...atleast never happened physically....not sure if they do some chemical harm to each other though....


Its 90 G with a measly sump. I have a 250W 10K MH and 260 W of PC. The MH is located on one half of the tank and thats the half where the anemones reside. The PCs are as long as the tank itself. Tentative plans for the new year is to add a good sized sump. Might even be larger than the tank itself. Infact, thinking of something on the lines of a lagoon reef. Those plans are still in the air but am doing a lot of groundwork and thought into that right now. Main determinants would be $$ and if I can move to a home from my present apartment. :)