LTA color


the fisrt pic is before it went into hiding under the rocks the second is the color it is now after coming from hiding and has been this way about 3 weeks i think its cool the way it looks now and it eats good question is will it say this way or change back to a darker color



your anemone is bleached. thats not good.
few questions; how long is your tank set up--- what kind of lights do you have----whats your water parameters(ph-amm-nitrites-nitrates-etc.)


hi crazy
if he is bleached its because its been out of the lights and under the rocks for over a month and and now that its back in the lights (250watt MH) its this color, tank is a 125 new over 3 months now but every thing was moved from a 3 year old 75gal i mean it all every drop of water to every grain of sand and a 50 gal sump added in may no live stock has been added and we have 3 anemone's 2 cleaner shrimp 1 peperment, 1 sailfing tang, 2 clarkies,2 false perc's,1 coral beauty, 5 Green Chromis ,1 large feather duster1 emarold crab, and corals, hermits and snails and everything has been fine, water is good and the LTA seems great exept for the color so unless it was being out of the lights for a long time that faded it like it is now so guess we just watch and see, it will eat the shrimp just like it always have and even tryed eating out little conch the other day when it got to close


All anemones contain photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae. Anemones receive their color from the zooxanthellae living within their tissues. Bleaching occurs when the zooxanthellae declines. When they bleach they lose 60-90% of their zooxanthellae which causes them to turn white. If the bleaching is not too severe and it decreases in time the anemone usually regains their symbolic algae within several weeks or a few months. If the zooxanthellae populations do not recover the anemone eventually dies.
You can soak its food in a vitamin LIKE ZOECON OR VITACHEM OR SELCON.
These vitamins are good for all your fish and inverts. Hope this helps


thanks crazy
and it is getting its color back in its base and eats anything fed to it good and healthy acting


its been a year now and and it is in the same spot in the tank and grown to be about 10" across fully opened, just thought i would do a update on it


here is a better pic of it and yes the duster is large too it lost its feathers 2 or 3 times and got larger and brighter in color each time growing back oh and our 3 year old mex turbo