LTA help like now!


i cam home to from work an took a look at my tank my LTA wasent looking happy the tenticals are not shriveld up but there not all puffed up that an it let go of the rock it was on an just drifting in a place were it really wasent going to find a decent home just sand. so i kinda nudged it to a rock. the hole thing feels vary stiff. and the mouth is like wide open about the size of a quarter. and about 2 inchs deep. what is it doing is it splitting or just pissed off?


no the cult has closed up. but my clam an toad stool r fine. i think i am going to a major water change i need info quik


LTA usually like to bury itself in sandbed. So try to do that instead of the rock. If your powerhead blowing it around, just try to direct it away or place the LTA on area that has no strong flow. Good luck.


dident know they like sand beds good to know. i been letting it do its thing seems to be trying to hide from the light. if any thing. but thank you


the pram's are all perfect they all check out. the tank has been set up about 3 months now. lighting is MH. its like the LTA cant deal with the light. it looks like crap while the light is on and once it gose off it looks amazing for about 3-4 hrs and them back to looking like junk. and it refuses to eat


It is recommened that your tank be well established for 6 to 8 months with stable water parameters before adding an anemone.
With that being said, I have a few questions.
How long is the anemone in your tank? How deep is your tank? What size is your tank?
What size MH do you have? Did it come out of a tank with MH when you bought it?
What color is it? Are the tentacles sticky?
Reason i'm asking is if it came out of a tank without Mh"s and went into your tank with Mh it will need time to adjust to the lights. A roaming anemone is an unhappy anemone. It is moving for a reason. Could be too much light-not enough light-too much current-not enough current plus a number of other reasons. If the anemone is white , then it's bleached and spot feeding with a vitamin needs to be done asap.
this is just my opinion and i'm sure others will add their .02
pictures help alot. Also cover the powerheads if the anemone is roaming cause it will get sucked up and will just add to the problem. you can use a piece of nylon mesh or a sponge from a aqua clear filter