LTA - how does it look?


How does it look? I haven't had much luck with them even though parameters and lighting is good. This is my third attempt at an anemone and it is in its 2nd week.


Active Member
It LOOKS heathly, a bit bleached but if you have the correct lighting then it will regain the dark brownish color.


when i first started doing anemones i had 3 die off as well
now i have alot and havent killed any in well over 2 years, it looks good its expanding and its trunk isnt streched way out so that means its getting the light it needs, when a anemone wants more light it will move higher in the tank, and strach WAY up as high as it can and expand alot larger then it should to try and get the light it needs, yours in on the bottum so it isnt looking for more light


forgot to mention just becuase its trunk is streched way out dosent mean it has to have more light some times its just the spot they have picked for their foot, like i have a RBTA that has set foot in a cave for a long time now its foot has been streched out to about a foot long but when its like that it only has its head out of the cave and thats it, he sets how much light he gets with his foot, if he wants more he streched out if he wants less he gose back under his ledge