LTA need advise.....


alright, when i put the anemone in i was paranoid because it got really big and spread out. the next day he lloked like the was turning white and shriveling up. so 2 nights ago i fed him by hand/tongs and he grabbed onto the shrimp like it was gold. ate it up! tonight i did a 20% water change since my nitrate level was high . after everything was said and done he unplanted himself out of the sand bed and moved clear across the tank. pretty quick too.... her are the pics. what do you guys think?


I think he looks white and bleached as though he has lost much of his zooxanthellae.
I would try feeding him 2 or 3 times per week, mix it up, shrimp, krill, silversides, frozen (but thawed) zooplankton, mysis shrimp.
MH is best but make sure he gets the best possible lighting you can give him, and it must be albe to give him usable light at the bottom of the tank, thus MH is best.
What are your test score for nitrate?
Keep up with the water changes and make sure you use RO/DI water or something other than tap or filtered tap, unless it is through an RO unit.


Nitrates was at 40ppm and after 1st change it was at 20ppm. I am going to do another change tonight.
I know MH lighting is best but right now I have a PC 260watt right now and was told this is okay for him. I know he will thrive with better lighting. He ate krill fine I am going to try silversides tonight.
Water I am using is tap with kent chlorinex, same my local LFS uses. But RODI unit will come soon. I am going to hook my skimmer up to help with nitrate and water quality.
Also my maroon clowns get close to him, hovering over him but no contact yet.