LTA question


New Member
Hey i got this LTA about a week ago and the second day we got it died off then regenerated and then he ate. But now he has died off and not regenerated but i think he is alive so should i wait to see if he lives or is he a gonner
Ammonia 0.0
nitrite 0.0
ph 8.1
nitrate 12.5ppm


Died off? Can you describe this?
It may be that you are experiencing the shrinking factor, then when the photo period is on it swells back up, perfectly normal.
Also the first month is very important in the life of an anemone new to your tank, during the first two weeks it will be acclimating to the new water conditions and lighting. LTA's prefer a sand substrate and depending on the depth of your tank you will need proper lighting to reach the bottom of the tank.
Let me know how its doing.