LTA Question


I got my LTA Friday from He has YET to settle anywhere. His color is good, but has not fully inflated. I've read that it's a bad sign when they won't attach.
My water parameters are:
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
0 nitrate
520 calcium
0 copper
8.2 ph
salinity 1.025
alk 8 (143.2dkh)
temp is between 78 and 80.
Any ideas on how to satisfy him? I have a fairly deep sand bed (4 or so inches) so he could settle just about anywhere he wants.


Active Member
How long has he been in there for? And what type of lighting do you have.? From what I have read these are the most difficult species to keep.


Active Member
How long has your tank been established ? What lighting do you have ? What size tank do you have ? Also how many power heads do you have ? LTAs need moderate water flow and medium to high light . LTAs are not the most difficult to keep if everything is in check . Is it just floating around , or has it attached and moving around the tank ? If everything above is good then it should have settled down by now . It`s been five days and if it hasn`t even attached yet , something is wrong . It won`t fully inflate until it has settled in a spot it likes and gets comfy with the new surroundings .


The tank has been up for over a year. I have 95 watts of actinic and 300 watts of normal lighting. All the lights are PCs. The tank is a 46 bow.
At the moment I have only 1 powerhead and the filter running. I am working on making a closed loop so have everything stripped out right now. The flow is fairly low...maybe 150 to 200 gph(?).
He is "floating" along the bottom. He'll stop for a while, put his foot down and seem to settle, then he's off again. When I left this morning it looked like he might have found a place, but I wanted to ask for help so if he hasn't I'd be prepared.


Active Member
I would add another power head at the least . I run 3 power heads in my 75 along with the flow from my return pump . I have my power heads at three different levels for my corals and the LTA . Your lighting should be ok , I have similar pc lighting .


Thanks DAWMAN. I've got 2 powerheads just sitting there waiting on me to finish the loop. I'll put them back in and see if he likes!


Active Member
IMO, LTAs should not be attempted under PCs....They like to be deep in a tank with their foot buried in around 3 inches of sand against a rock......because of a deep/high tanks they need MHs. PCs just dont penatrate deep can try to dig a hole in the sand under what you think will give it the strongest lighting and gently place the anemone's foot in it and it might dig in and attach there...I have had mine for nearly 6 years so far under matel hilides and it has only moved once, when a hurrican left me without lights for 10 days...


Active Member
LTAs do need deep sand beds , but not deep tanks as you mention . I have kept mine in a 18 " tall tank with a 4" sand bed with pc lighting for four years so far and hasn`t moved since I got it . I actually seen it in a LFS bleached white and bought it to revive it and color came back after a few months and then introduced my Clarkii pair and have been hosting ever since . If you happen to have a tall tank then I can see needing mh lighting IMO .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
because of a deep/high tanks they need MHs. PCs just dont penatrate deep enough......
I did not mean for this statement to indicate that they '' must '' be in really deep tanks.....just that IF ( and most are, mine streches up from the sand 18'' + at times ) then MHs are best...for the '' best '' chance of the animal surviveing.." IMO "


Active Member
i agree with dogstar, and as far as powerheads itll be somewhat individual. i had to take a powerhead out of my tank that i added because my lta didnt like. it ended up attaching in area where it gets a little to no indirect flow
just becareful it doesnt get blown around and ends up stuck to a powerhead


turn off all your powerheads put the anemone in a decent place and spot feed him he will mostlikly attach


Just updating...It has been attached since I got home Friday night. Seems to feel comfortable and is eating. Thanks for all the input.