LTA spewing eggs?


I got this LTA with an awesome rock for dirt cheap. The previous owner said he's been on this same rock for 6 months. He's been in my tank for about a week, and hasn't moved an inch. Tonight after the lights went out and the blue LED's came on, I started seeing all these white specks floating around the water. Next thing I know, I see a stream of them coming out of the LTA! They look like fish eggs to me. It's also real extended from the rock. I can see most of his pod, and his tentacles are flailing all over the place. He doesn't seem to be moving, but I'm wondering what he's 'spitting' out, and whether it'll hurt any of my fish. If he's dyin, let me know. I want to yank him out before he crashes my tank.
As a side note, I just moved my powerhead down away from him so it wouldn't be in the path of his tentacles. He's shifted his tentacles down towards where I moved the powerhead flow! Seems he's looking for the water current to spread these 'spores' around.


Active Member
i have heard and seen videos of LTAs doing this. youre going to need to make sure you run a skimmer and carbon
second, i dont know if you actually have an LTA? was it attached underneath a rock? usually theyre not on top of any rocks


Active Member
Sounds like he's just releaing waste. Anemones don't have a place to release their waste so from time to time they will expell it from their mouth - from what i've heard in some long strands. It won't hurt your fish and they may actually eat it.


Active Member
anything similar to this? i know theres been videos of this actually happening, just cant find them. i dont know if the website i got this from will let me link it, but hopefully youll see it


I have a skimmer and carbon filtration. The pic you have is more extreme than what mine is doing. Mine just releases small streams that look like eggs. When they hit the powerhead, they broke apart and flew all over the tank. I picked it up at one of my LFS. The guy that owned it had just broke down his 250 and was selling everything in his tank back to the store. The store owner said he remembers selling the LTA to him 6 months prior.


Active Member
The event your describeing sounds to me just like female spawning ( releasing eggs ). Sometimes can accure under stressfull conditions ( not saying thats why yours is, but because you just got it..... ). The photo by nietzche is of male spawning ( releasing sperm ).
The eggs ( often containing toxins to prevent being eat ) will not be fertile and will decay/rot, and depending on how large of tank and healthy the bio-filtration in your system is, most likely will cause a spike in ammonia as they do rot.
Best to prepare a water change and run exrta filtration if possble for a few days and test for a spike.
BTW. I also agree with nietzche about the species......LTAs prefer to live with their foot attached deep under the sand were they can quickly, compleatly withdraw into the sand for protection.