LTA vs Open brain?


New Member
Despite never having posted on the forums i've had tanks for quite a while and considre myself to at least be FAIRLY knowledgable on a decent day, but recently something in my tank is perplexing me.
I have a green lta that i have had for about 6 weeks now. About 2 weeks ago i added a rose brain that is also on the sand about 5 inches or so from the closest tenticles that the anemone has. The brain is about 2 inches across, and my LTA is massive around 10 inches across. Until about 3-4 days my anemone remained foot down to a rock under the sand. Here's the weird part, when the lights are on the anemone leaves its foot attached, but when i wake up every morning it detaches its foot and leans towards the brain. Lights turn on and within 10 minutes it buries its base again and is back to its same position. I've had anemones before (LTAs in particular) and worked at an LFS back in the day and I can tell when anemones are going downhill and this one is not--its tenticles stay wavy and not really floppy, it stays "full" eats marvelously etc etc
I have never had an issue with brain having bio warfare bad, but is it likely that the brain is doing something to upset my anemone, and should i move it?