LTa won't eat!!!!


Hello all. 3 weeks ago I purchased a LTA from the fish store and to date he has not eaten anything. My lighting is very good, 250 MH 192 Actinic compact flourecent. I don't have any trites or trates. SG is right at 1.025 and the Anenome is in a med. flow area. Any reason why it hasn't eaten? Any ideas? I have tried scallops and raw shrimp. This is my first Anenome and I would like it to live for longer than a few weeks. Thanks for your help!


Active Member
is he hosted by a clown?? beacuse my clown vigourously feeds my LTA, with or without me seeing,, also when i do spot feed mine, it likes defrosted silverslides, he likes the dead fish blood scent i guess.


Active Member
To be honest, if the lighting is good, you should not have to supplement any feedings of anenomes. I feed my guys...Hosted RBTA, LTA, and a condi only once weekly. I use two cubes of frozen mysis shrimp cut in half....each one gets one half and the tank gets the other half. I always feed my shrimp first as to not have them steal the food from the anemones. Has worked great for me. Try using very small food that they can digest and swallow really quickly. They get most of their nutrients from the light.


Active Member
I feed my BTA's and LTA's frozen mysis, they seem to like that pretty well. Silversides aren't the best alternative becasue they are hard on the specamins digestive system.


Active Member
I feed my LTA small pieces of silverslides and he really seem to like them, Meaning i have not seen him regergatate it never! I thinks its an owners call via trial and error!


Thank you for all of your responses. I have tried feeding mine and it grabs the food then lets it go. It never places it in its mouth. I have 2 GSM clowns that host it on and off and they have tried to feed it as wel to no avail. Should I be terribly concerned? Thanks again for your help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by UKCATS
Any other input? Should I even be concerned?

Do you think maybe he was just fed when you purchased him? And maybe he is not hungry yet? I heard of some people feeding thier LTA'S like once a month! There is not much to an anemone meaning they must eat when they are hungry, so i think he will eat soon, also try the defrosted pieces of silversides, mine loves them!