

I got a LTA about 7 days ago and it will look okay one day another look like it is dead....And it will not attach to anything nor eat food...When I got it it looked very good and ate in the store...Now today it is all shunk up and the mouth is wide open...Does anyone know what is wrong..
55gal tank..Been set up for about two years
salt level is 1.022-23
temp around 75-76
All other test are normal at zero
PH is fine


55gal tank..Been set up for about two years
salt level is 1.022-23
temp around 75-76
All other test are normal at zero
PH is fine

Bump salinity up to 1.025 or 35ppm
Bump temp up to 79-82
pH of "fine" isn't enough, pH is a swinger, get an average testing in the morning, middle of photo period and then lights off in the evening.
What about alkalinity and calcium?
A gaping mouth could be just one sign of stress. The shrinking isn't to unusual during the first two weeks but keep an eye on it.
I'm hoping you have a sand substrate.


I have 50lbs of live rock and 50lbs of live sand...I will get other test later...borrowed my test kit to a friend that just started a tank...But I will raises my salt level and temp slow in next couple of days. Well I have a carpet anemone that is fine, so do they need different levels of temp and salt?


The atlantic anemones prefer cooler temps. I'd keep the pacific ones at about 78-82 degrees.
Carpet and an LTA? in a 55 gallon. Hope they don't meet up with each other.