lunar lights affect fish?


I have 4 lunar lights set up above a 55g. Can I leave these on all night, or will they affect my fish in a negative way?
I have heard that the lights are really only to stimulate anenome to spawn and for the nice effect on you tank. Any other benefits?


The real effects are unknown, but I would have at least some down time at night. My moon lights turn on an hour before the Actinics turn off then shut off at one in the morning and turn back on at five in the morning.


Ok, I only have a timer for the daytime lights and the nighttime lights, so I could just turn the moonlights off when I go to bed. I don't get home from work until around 11pm anyway. Thanks.


I leave mine on 24 hours a day. I have a 6ft tank and I only light a one foot section on each end of the tank. I figure this way the tank is not totally dark, but there are dark areas for the fish, especially in their live rock caves. I haven't seen any side effects leaving them on all the time. I have a second set that I wired to light the whole tank. I plug that in if I want to do some night viewing.


mine are left on the hole time and i feel it helps spawnig in anemones and corals but havent noticed anything with the fishies