Lunare Wrasse Battle Damage



It looks like my lunare wrasse was the subject of some pent up aggression of another fish. I scooped him and put him in my qt tank till I get an additional hospital tank set up, while I was transporting him he jumped out into a box with a bunch of other boxes, I took some time but I caught him. I put him in the qt and he is scraped and prob. lost a lot of his coat from the cardboard. He just lays in the corner with labored breathing and not eating (granted he just went in there last nigh.) When he gets in the hospital, should I medicate him with Furacyn (1 time does terry recommends) or should I not medicate and see if he gets better on his own. Will he be ok?


Staff member
I would try a stress coat first before medication. Leave the lights off to reduce stress, but you can have room lights so that the fish does not get disorientated from lack of any light.