lunare wrasse feeding purple lobster?


I added a lunar wrasse to my tank 2 1/2 weeks ago. Well the first two days the wrasse laid behind a rock at one of the tank, tight up against it scared (tomato clown, scooter blennie and purple lobster as tank mates) Well, the past two weeks he has been living with the purple lobster in a nice sized cave that a huge piece of live rock makes. There is room for the both of them plus a bit to spare. We have thought it was quite odd that the lobster let the wrasse move in with him. We hardly see the lobster, probably hasn't come out in the daylight more than 2 or 3 times. The wrasse swims around some during the day when but hides in the cave when anyone walks up. Very disapointing behavior as I thought they were very active (could he still be aclimating?) Well he has a killer nose, I drop in a piece of formula one or krill and out he comes, swims speedly around till he finds it. I have several times seen him grab a piece go in the cave and then come back out for more. I can't see enough into the house to see if he eats it, saves it or what. Well today I saw him get a piece go in the rock and the lobster moved out comes the wrasse and the lobster has the piece of food. I'm thinking ah-ha now I know why he allows him to live with him. I just don't know if the lobster forced him to give it or the wrasse did it willingly - like they have worked out an aggreement. They didn't fight and they are both laying under the rock as I type. Thoughts?
Also any ideas on a good tank mate, would like something that swims around, has nice size and color. This tank sets in our wait area at work.

baron von dango

New Member
I have in my 75 gallon a lunar wrasse, niger trigger, 6 lined wrasse, kole tang, snowflake moray, 2 clowns, 2 pajama cardinals, 2 chromis, 1 sgt major damsel, a green spotted puffer, and a valentini.
All my fish love me. They come up to the glass when ever I approach.
Oddly, my lunar likes to sleep with a feather duster...
I got lucky, mine acclimated quickly to his environment, like all my fish. Its like my water is magical.
I will say this. @ night when the wrasse is asleep is your best chance @ adding critters he may eat.
I noticed if it was in the tank before him, he wont eat it. I just added an urchin @ 3am lol.
He should warm up to, but every fish has its own good luck...maybe try feeding it with tongs so it recognizes you as food rather than the guy who netted me and threw me in a glass box lol. My grees spotted puffer still is mad about when I netted him last...he took an unexpected rife down my overflow drain, across my algae turf scrubber, and down into my chaeto compartment in my sump. A soft landing I guess...luckily he survived the roughness of my scrubber which I just cleaned....if u don't know what an ats is...there is a plastic canvase that is roughed up with a sawblade for algae to grip. When it has no algae it is like a cactus lol. That's another thing...the wrasse loves caves, and pipes....cover them...he can easily get jammed in a tube to rot and overflow ur tank :(