Lunare Wrasse


Well I have had this fish for about two weeks maybe. I have been feeding it brine shrimp. Someone told me that brine shrimp isn't very nutrition to the fish so I gat some my.. something shrimp.. (they are a little bigger shrimps) anyways I fed him those and then today I came home from work and I was watching my tank and he came up to a turbo snail and grab it and ripped it out the the shell and ate him. I went to look and they other snails and ALL of my snails are gone. GONE I had about 12 of them and they were doing fine yesterday. Did the fish just get hungry or did he not like those my shrimps.


Active Member
Lunare wrasse are not reef or invert safe, they will attack your shrimps and or snails and the 40 is too small for him so there is an even greater chance of him attacking. Do you mean mysis shrimp? Try feeding something else like krill, clams, silversides, etc. hth


I have been contemplating this since I read your post should i just take it back or what??? I can't decide. It's a beautiful fish, don't get me wrong. I would like to have a peaceful tank where one fish doesn't eat any other thing I put it there. he ate $20 dollars with of snails in one day. His colors are really really bright now. Anyways should I take hiim back or what. Also, will he mess with zoos or polpys?


Active Member
A quote from my reference:
Reef aquarium compatibility: Harmless with corals, but will eat small fishes, ornamental crustaceans, and many other motile invertebrates, including snails, serpent stars, bristleworms and mantis shrimps.
They need plenty of swimming room and will harass new introductions to the aquarium if they are smaller or similar in shape. This species is highly predatory and will make short work of smaller fishes.
Minimum aquarium size-75 gallon
the decision is yours if u want to take it back. I think it's a no-brainer personally.