lunare wrasse


New Member
I have a lunare wrasse about 5" long he has black patches all over his tail and is now spreading to his face. I don't think its black spot disease but not sure. I also have a kole tang that is getting pale and has white slime covering him. The good news is they are both still eating well. Any ideas on what tis is and treatment recommendations would be helpful. :notsure:


Staff member
trevor, is these the only fish you have? Have you gotten new fish lately? How long have you had these fish? Can you describe what you are seeing a bit more? Size, raised or just skin discolorations, etc?


New Member
I have had the wrasse for about 4mo and the kole tang for about 3mo. On wrasse it looks like the black color is not raised it is on the scales them self. On his tail its patchy on his face it looks like pin holes. and the tang just got really pale in the face lost his color and has white slime on his entire body. I also have a blue spotted hawaian puffer, valantini puffer, and a snowflake eel. I have had those for about a year. I also have about 75lbs. of live rock and a few various mushrooms.