Lunare Wrasse


New Member
I was hoping someone that owns one or knows about them could tell me how they normally behave? I got one yesterday. So far, he swam up and down the tank for about an hour last night, and now he's just laying in the corne of the tank. He did eat though when I fed the fish. Is it normal for them to lay around so much?


mine darts in and out of the rocks very fast,they like places to hide,and does lay around alot,because your is new to the tank I would keep a close eye on it for a few days I think they are pretty hardy fish so as long as water temp and conditions are fine it should be ok


I had one about 6 months ago,it became very aggressive towards everyone in the tank, I also have a friend that had one do the same. Mine was very active the only time I ever saw him lay on the bottom was in the middle of the night, and then not all the time. Keep an eye on him and if he is eatting that is a good sign they are a very hardy fish. Hope he is in with fish that can handle thier own. GOOd luck


New Member
Yeah he is definitely in with the right kind of fish. I'm more worried about him getting picked on. When I first turned on the lights after a few hours after acclimating him, my blue-spotted grouper tried to eat him. After figuring out he was way to big to fit in his mouth, he left him alone. My niger chased him a bit but has quit also.


I have a lunare wrasse in an 80G, with some common clowns, and a yellow tang. He is not aggressive at all!! When I first got him he would not come out to eat either, I would have to drop the food to wherever he was hiding, and he would dart out, take a bite and hide again. This went on for about a month, then I guess he realized he was comfortable in the tank, and now he rarely hides at all, and now he comes to the top to eat, he will even swim around my arm when I am putting seaweed selects in the clip. He is a really cool fish, just give him some time! :)