Lunarre wrasse and sfe


Are these two compatible? I have a sfe all by himself and would like just one larger fish to keep with him but I dont know if the lunarre will chomp at the eel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by landolakes
Are these two compatible? I have a sfe all by himself and would like just one larger fish to keep with him but I dont know if the lunarre will chomp at the eel.

its not recomended to keep wrasses or triggers with eels both have the tendancy to nip at the tails of eels when they stick out of the rockwork.the SFE is one of the most dosile of species and may not defend himself if attacked or harrassed..a good wrasse would be a bird wrasse they are less lieky to be aggressive toward other tank mates and are active species of wrasse male is blue/green female red/brown if you go with a pair add the male last or he will kill the female.