


So i thought it would be interesting to see what everyone eats for lunch, on a normal basis.
I eat a lean cuisine almost every day (except for the weekends... weeeheew!!!)... most of the time it's mac & cheese (which i am eating right now), but sometimes i go for the cheese lasagna, or something else a little more on the wild side...lol Once in a while i treat myself to su
ay...mmmmm!!! I used to eat quiznos every day, but it got old... They have the best italian sub ever!!!


what evers in the cafateria. But for brekfast i usually eat a eeg and baconn Borietooooo. and a ice tea and some frute and cottage cheese


New Member
whatever i can steal from the fridge from my co-workers lunches.
no...mostly arabic food from home - compliments of my gf


Dang RCP i wish i had a ladie that would do me up a lunch. and i didnt have to get up at 5am so i could make my own and if i wasnt lazy at night after the gym.


Originally Posted by rcp_pd
whatever i can steal from the fridge from my co-workers lunches.
I can't stand that.
I had my lunch violated by either a student or coworker last year and have since gone to using cold packs to keep my boring cold cut sandwich and drink cold. I can't affford cafeteria food and some of you may know what taco-bell does to me! :scared:


Originally Posted by BigB
I can't stand that.
I had my lunch violated by either a student or coworker last year and have since gone to using cold packs to keep my boring cold cut sandwich and drink cold. I can't affford cafeteria food and some of you may know what taco-bell does to me! :scared:
is that the time you thought it was only a fart...
LMAO :hilarious


Active Member
Mc Donalds plain dbl czburger or strawberry banana yogurt with cherry vanilla granola in it...not cuz its healthy, it just tastes good


New Member
she'll usually make it an nite when i am at school so i dont know what i am getting until the next day at lunch. thankfully no 'mystery meat' sandwhiches yet. gotta love her for what she does..

you are up 5 am? that is rediculous. Dont know how you can do that...i can barely make myself crawl outta bed at quarter to 6...


Originally Posted by socal57che
Mc Donalds plain dbl czburger...
That's my hubby's meal-o-choice, with a large fry, extra salt, and a large rootbeer... barq's is the best!
And BTW, i don't have to get up until 9:30
, but i get up at 7 anyway...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
That's my hubby's meal-o-choice, with a large fry, extra salt, and a large rootbeer... barq's is the best!
And BTW, i don't have to get up until 9:30
, but i get up at 7 anyway...




my fav. drink ever made!!! Rootbeer floats are even better!


Originally Posted by jdragunas
is that the time you thought it was only a fart...

Yeah, but I kinda lied it happened more than once. Both times I was at home thank the Lord!
Nothing like having to take a shower in the middle of lunch/dinner.


it depends on how motivated i am to stick to my routine...
for instance yesterday i ate.... way to much
breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs and a cheese burger from whataburger.
brunch 2 more hardboiled eggs
lunch 6 tacos and chicken strips from jack in the box
lupper 12 fish sticks a bowl of macaroni and two hardboiled eggs
dinner 8 oz sirloin with salad bread and scallopped potatos
then i ate probably a couple more eggs and half a bag of pretzels before i went to bed... along with the massive amounts of whiskey i consumed... im sure it all had me break even.
Long story short... i try to eat whatever i can thats availiable and that has nutritional value for me.


notenoraa thats alot of eegs. id hate to be sitting in the cube next to you hahahah---j/k
and yes i get up at 5 and thats after the fart hahahah


Staff member
I eat progresso soup with a few slices of fresh cheese and a few rice crackers.
Now what I wish I could eat for lunch is real Italian pizza with pepperonis and mushrooms. Could also settle for having that for dinner too if this was a perfect world.