

Firstly, what exactly is lymphocyctis? I have checked out the stickies at the top of the page and they don't seem to help me much. Anyway, it is possible that my percula clown has it; however, it does not look anything like the stickies. The best way of describing it is if you had a small blister, popped it and there was some skin left dangling. It is located on the chin of my clown. The clown, along with 1 yellow and 1 green chromis damselfish, is in a QT because it is new and I quarentine new fish for 3 weeks. Another way of describing it is that it looks like a beard. I've notices that the clown isn't eating very well either. I am currently feeding them flake and small pellet food. The clown seems to hang around 1 area and not move very much. He swims around but not nearly as much as the other 2 fish.
So if it does have lymphocyctis, what is meant by feeding them garlic? Do I crush it up and feed it to them?
I will try to post a picture; however, I do not have a digital camera and I'll have to lend one from my school.


Staff member
Perhaps it is just a wound. What you describe does not sound like lymph, which is a viral infection.


Today it has changed. It looks more like a blood blister now. There is not very much tissue hanging off of it; however, it is now redish in color as if something attacked the blood supply.
Any ideas?:notsure:


Staff member
Is it an open wound or a a contusion beneath the skin. Is this fish being attacked? Try observing your tank without your fish noticing that you are looking.


I really don't know what is happening with my percula! Today the "redness" is gone and again it looks like a blister. It looks like it may be open, yet it doesn't seem to be bothering my clown. I have spent a lot of time observing my fish and they seem to be happy. They all swim within close proximity of each other. The only fighting I have noticed, which is only occasionally, is the clown with "snap" at the yellow damselfish. The clown gives a quick jolt at him and it's all over, nothing really unusual. I notices that the clown is not eating very well either and it prefers small pellets over flakes. Lots of times the clown nudges the food while my other 2 damselfish consume it. I have noticed, also one time before, that the white band directly behind the gill slits, more towards the dorsal and anterior area of the band, appears to have "clearer" spots. There is no other areas like these on its body. I would also estimate that there is 8-12 of these tiny spots. Could this be the start of HLLE? or do most clown fish look like this on the white bands?