Firstly, what exactly is lymphocyctis? I have checked out the stickies at the top of the page and they don't seem to help me much. Anyway, it is possible that my percula clown has it; however, it does not look anything like the stickies. The best way of describing it is if you had a small blister, popped it and there was some skin left dangling. It is located on the chin of my clown. The clown, along with 1 yellow and 1 green chromis damselfish, is in a QT because it is new and I quarentine new fish for 3 weeks. Another way of describing it is that it looks like a beard. I've notices that the clown isn't eating very well either. I am currently feeding them flake and small pellet food. The clown seems to hang around 1 area and not move very much. He swims around but not nearly as much as the other 2 fish.
So if it does have lymphocyctis, what is meant by feeding them garlic? Do I crush it up and feed it to them?
I will try to post a picture; however, I do not have a digital camera and I'll have to lend one from my school.
So if it does have lymphocyctis, what is meant by feeding them garlic? Do I crush it up and feed it to them?
I will try to post a picture; however, I do not have a digital camera and I'll have to lend one from my school.