


I have a problem that had developed overnight. On my smallest perc there seems to be fuzzy cotton tufts on his 'chin' and on his front front fin. It might be lymphocytis, but I'm no expert. It does look like a fungal infection (from my freshwater knowledge), but when I searched lymph, it was said to just give a good diet with good water quality. The only thing that has changed at all was I did a water change a few days ago, and I must not have measured correctly, because my salinity was .030, when I usually have it around .025-6. I slowly brought it down, and everything seemed fine until this morning. Please help.


Well it doesn't look like eggs on the skin like the chart suggested, so I'm not sure that's what it is. Are there any other suggestions? It's a heavy coating of the fuzz, not translucent/transparent. I'm worried, as he is not quite as perky as usual. Did I do any permanant damage with the salinity being so high? This little guy was my first fish.... I hope he's okay.


Definetly sounds bacterial. A mouth fungus. "Fine, whiteish, foam, around the mouth area". (Columnaris). I would treat with PARINOX. This is a kind of cure all medication. It works on fungal,bacterial,parasites, ect. ect. It is something good to always have on hand, unless you have a positive diagnosis and want to use a specific treatment.


Thanks, so I should be QT'ing him then. Is this strictly a SW type of treatment? Do you know what could have caused this? Can stress cause it to happen? It's so weird that it happened so fast. I haven't had any 'sickness' problems up until now.... Thanks for your replies!


He's been in there for just about a year. The only changes are the salinity change which is now back to normal, and they found the torch on the other side of the tank, and is now hosting the pair. Unfortunatly camera work is not great (bowfront tank, iffy dig camera, and small clown.) I can try and post one tomorrow for what it's worth. Thanks. PS if you know of any natural cures I would rather do that. I have a QT but would rather do it sans chemicals, but whatever needs to be done will be....


He is now in the hospital tank. But when I caught him, his 'fungus' fell off. He's not looking very well. I treated the tank with PimaFix, though I'm not sure if it will do anything. It said it could be used on SW fish also. If there are any other suggestions on a product to use, it would be appreciated. I have used Mardel in the past with my FW fish and always had success with that, but to get it would mean driving 45 mins, so might tonight anyway. TIA!


Dang it! I was just looking at the female and it seems she may be starting to get it too. What caused this? Am I going to QT all of them? It seems like so much stress on them to transfer them back and forth. Frustrating!


Staff member
Look at the pictures of the clownfish in the Diseased Fish Thread that have brooklynella. Did it look like that?


I don't think so. It was smaller, confined to a spot of maybe an eighth of an inch on his throat, and a sixteenth on his pelvic fin. It was not flush with the skin, it stood out quite a bit. All white, puffy, fuzzy looking.
Also I was thinking last night, when the water change was done, my fish guy stopped by with some gorgonians strait from the ocean. I didn't think anything of it, but now I'm worried that's what it is from. Thanks for your help.


Staff member
lymph can be very small or even very much larger than what you see in that picture. Unfortunately, I have not run across too many good pictures of it to post.