lyretail anthia cloudy eye


ok my male tyretail anthia has been scratching for a week one of his eyes is cloudy and 2 days ago had some slime coming off it over all he looks skinny and his color is washed out but he eats like crazy
then i noticed my female anthia and my diamond goby scratch a few times
lfs said ick but there is none showing
can it be something else protazoa or bacteria?
i've had these fish for over 2 months with no problems then i added a small tang without qt and he started scatching right away i tried to get him out but couldnt a few days later he developed dark blotches between his pec. fins and mouth and between his mouth and eyes he got skinny even with eating and grazing all day
i went to the lfs where i bought him and they had an atl blue tang with the same thing i showed the manager and he said it may be uronema and to do freshwater dips or treat the tank with malachite green so i went home to try the fresh dips but it was too late he was dead
a week later is when the anthia started to scratch SO is it all related
and what can i do ?it is impossible to catch these fish to QT i've tried many times
i have a 75gal with 60lbs live sand 120lbs LR with 12 or so corals
PH 8.2
SALT 1.025
sorry for the long post just trying to give all the info
any help would be great


Uronema is similar to brooklynella. They are ciliate protozoans. You would see extra mucas and with Uronema you would also see small ulcers or lesions on the body. It normaly feeds off of bacteria but will attack a weakened fish. The symptoms that you are describing do match the symptoms for Uronema. They often have rapid breathing, will flash, experience weightloss, and loss of color. Hyposalinity, formalin baths, or FW baths are the treatment options. In any case you will have to catch the fish.


thank you for the info
lfs said FW baths 10 min. a day for 5 days does that sound right to you
also do you have any tricks for catching these fish without ripping down the LR?


FW baths are generaly 3-5 minutes. I would opt for formalin baths over FW baths personaly. Beth has detailed instructions in her common treatments FAQ. Do you have a qt tank? This way you won't have to rip apart the display to catch the fish each time. For catching the fish, it is easiest durring feeding time. Does he normally come to the top to eat?


OK i'm going to start tomorrow with the formalin baths 3-5 mins for how many days 5 ?
i do have a qt but its occupied so i will get a rubbermaid or another tank
there is no way i would put them back in the DT during treatment
and they do come to the top to eat so i'll try that
thank you again


Originally Posted by breeze
i just read about the formalin bath 45 min everyother day 3-5 treatments