Lyretail Anthias


Anyone have experience with these?? My LFS has an awesome one and i have room in my tank. Would like to know about hardiness and compatibility. I have a 55gal w/LR (60 lbs). Two neon gobies, Sebae Clown and a cleaner shrimp.


Its the Pseudanthias squamipinnis i believe. Its got two pink polka dots on each side fin and a tall dorsal fin. dont know if its a male of female.


Your going to have to put in the time but will be appreciated if it is done in a timely fashion to such grace you'll like it


Active Member
I had three two died shorty after I bought them. The one I have I have had for almost two years. He eats great the other two did not which is probably what did them in. They can be tricky, if you decide to buy him make sure he is eating eargerly and not just picking. They do better in groups like 3 or 6. If yours has spots on the fins and a long dorsal fin it is a male so two or three females would be good if you have the room. If you get him by himself he may turn back to a female. Mine was mid change and now has pretty much returned to a female with the other two gone.


Yeah i have a 55gal so i think i could only handle one. i'd like to upgrade but this tank is rather new. so maybe i'll wait on that fish till i go bigger.