Lyretail Anthias


I'm trying to plan ahead for the next fish in my tank, once hypo is finished and my QT is available for new inhabitants. I have a 125 DT with a 20 gl sump. I will have a 20 gl refuge soon too. I currently have a blue tang, yellow tang, 2 ocellaris clowns, watchman goby, red spotted blenny and 3 bluegreen chromis. Can I add 3 lyretail anthias? I was hoping to get 3 small females so that I can watch the dominant one change to male. I have read contradicting info about them. Peaceful/aggressive? Easy/hard to keep.
I would love to get your opinion on these beautiful fish.


Active Member
I bought 3 for my 125, one of them died while in QT, the other 2 are in my DT now and are doing well. I haven't seen any aggression from them yet, and they don't seem to get picked on at all. They also seem to stay rather close to each other, which is what I was hoping for! Here are a couple pictures of them while they were in QT.
I THINK that my bigger one is starting to get a longer dorsal spine...but haven't seen any color changes yet...not sure if this is just me hoping that it happens or if this is really happening, though.



Active Member
I love Anthias and have kept a lot of them. As a group; they are not the easiest fish to keep, but I think Lyretails are as easy as any. You may want to consider getting more than 3, if you lose one, you still have at least a trio. Other than normal pecking order stuff, I wouldn't expect much aggression. The main thing with most Anthias is to feed often, IMO; about 5 times a day. BTW, Cyclop-eeze is an excellent staple food for most Anthias.