Macna 2003


Active Member
Anyone planning to go to MACNA in Louisville this year?
I know I'm planning to go. Besides the opportunity to learn and see new products, could be a nice get-away weekend.
I thought if there was enough board members going we could have members hospitality room or something.
Any excuse to drink beer and talk fish can't be all bad:D


When will this be jumpfrog? Im in Chattanooga,TN and we have no swf clubs here....Is it this summer or spring break cause I have school.....


Jumpfrog-I haven't been there in over a yr...lBut,last time I went it was great....They're supposed to be a how do I put it,"Marine Part in a big building in the near furture....Thanks...


Active Member
You mean all you guys who live in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois aren't interested?
Or are these things a waste of time?
I've never been:confused:


Active Member
Some of the experts in the field are guest speakers; vendors there with the latest and greatest; an opportunity to talk fish and reefs with other addicted souls, and above all......a reason to drink beer:D
Cost doesn't look too bad.