Macro Algae choices

fish fry

What type of algae does everyone keep in their refugiums? I'm looking for something easy to grow, good looking, something that won't go sexual.
I've heard razor caulerpa is extremely popular, any other thoughts?
Fih Fry
"And just as I mixed the salt and water I realized my friend has my hydrometer. D'oh!

big dave

Its best to use a combination of differnt species of caulerpa to compensate for the different growth rates and if one species does go sexual you will still have other species to remove waste until the other species grow back. I personally use a combination of the following species: C.racemosa(red+green), C. Serrulata(razor), C. Mexicana, C. Taxifola and Wire Caulerpa which I do not know the Scientific name of. Just m y2 cents.

fish fry

Big Dave, (I love your signature)
I like the idea of using different species. Have you had any problems with any of them? Do they look good?
Also what type of lighting are you using on your 29 reef?
Fish Fry